Pickleball in the Sun Featured on Good Morning America
As more media outlets continue to pick up on the Pickleball popularity wave, Pickleball in the Sun and USA Pickleball have found themselves once again in the national television spotlight. This past week, Good Morning America has joined the queue to be the next news station to feature pickleball as one of the fastest growing sports in America. Pickleball in the Sun rallied the Nocatee community together once again to film at the community courts showing how kids and adults of all ages are finding joy in America’s fastest growing sport.
Good Morning America featured interviews from Nocatee players, Garrett Gainor and Barry Sims, as they had friends playing pickleball in the background to show how fun the game is and the community that comes along with it.

Good Morning America featured interviews from Nocatee players, Garrett Gainor and Barry Sims, as they had friends playing pickleball in the background to show how fun the game is and the community that comes along with it.
Specifically in New York City, the Brooklyn Bridge Park courts have become a hub for active pickleball players, pulling players from all corners of the city. For the Good Morning America segment on July 29th, Eva Pilgrim and Will Ganss hit the pickleball courts as USA Pickleball ambassadors, Amote Sias and Paul Curiale taught them how to play America’s fastest growing sport. Together, Amote and Paul taught Eva and Will the basics of pickleball, such as how to serve, tallying scores, and some basic offensive and defensive moves. The four players showcased both the athletic and social side of the sport, providing viewers a means to see how they themselves can fit into the mix of millions of pickleball players across the country.
From young children to seniors, pickleball is an all-inclusive game that speaks to both the competitive athlete as well as recreational players alike. There is no age restriction for the sport - both for competitive or recreational play. The beauty of pickleball is that it has no limits in terms of who can be considered “good” at the game; all you need is a net, a paddle, and a light plastic ball to enjoy the sport.
Plenty of celebrities have picked up on the pickleball wave as well, with household names such as the Kardashian family to professional athletes learning to play the sport. With a 35% increase in growth in the past 3 years, pickleball can be officially found in all 50 states with over 40,000 courts scattered about nationwide.
Watch the full segment below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKyHSFFmz3c.
Interested in playing at the Brooklyn Bridge Park? Head to BrooklynBridgePark.com. Visit USAPickleball.org to learn how to play pickleball.
Nocatee Photos by Maris Kirs Photography.